Taught by professionals for future professionals and for FUN!

The Harlow Ballet Association
The Harlow Ballet Association has a thriving membership base. Members receive a regular newsletter, The Balletomane, and advance booking information and they also have the opportunity to participate in social events. The Annual General Meeting of the Association is held in April or May each year, after the major production in the Harlow Playhouse. The Harlow Ballet Association is bound by its Articles of Association (see below) and exists primarily to put on performances at The Playhouse. The next AGM of the Harlow Ballet Association will be held as soon as the Covid situation allows..
Articles of Association of the Harlow Ballet Association
The Harlow Ballet Association shall exist to enable the presentation of dance performances in which those appearing shall principally (though not exclusively) be students of the Harlow Ballet School. The Harlow Ballet Association shall be a non-profit distributing organisation, from which no teacher working at the Harlow Ballet School shall take any remuneration. This will not preclude the Association, at its discretion, from paying fees to profesional Guest Artistes, Choreographers, Designers, Stage Technicians and others for services rendered. The members of the Harlow Ballet Assocition shall be those who pay a subscription as decided from time to time by the Management Committee. TheHarlow Ballet Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting to elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Publicity Manager and Technical Manager, who shall, in conjunction with the Partners in the Partnership running the Harlow Ballet School (if not elected to the above posts), form the Management Committee to run the Association. The Management Committee shall appoint an Artistic Director, whose appointment shall only be terminated by resignation or by a two thirds majority vote of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall have the right to appoint a President and Vice Presidents. These Articles of Association shall only be altered by a two thirds majoriy of those atteding and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General meeting called no sooner than one calndar month after circulation to all members of the Association.
The Harlow Ballet Association does not discriminate, directly or indirectly, on grounds of national or ethinic origins, race, religion, colour, disability, or political persuasion nor, in the case of adults, sexual orientation, marital status or age, in the selection and treatment of choreographers and performers.